Photos from the 19th Gathering Of The Juggalos, July 18-21, 2018 in Legend Valley, Ohio. All photos by Doug Mahugh, but I don't care what you do with them.
Parking Lot Party
We arrived in Legend Valley around 6PM the evening before the Gathering began, and spent a few hours at the parking lot party. Many people stayed up all night until the gate opened in the morning.
the parking lot partyJuggalos waiting for morning, when the gate will open and everyone will rush to stake out camp sites.
Day 1: Wednesday, 7/18
Day 1 at Legend Valley
Nice to meet some of the Juggalos I've gotten to know on Twitter over the last year!
Juggalos & JuggalettesThese cops have worked all four Gatherings at Legend Valley, so they've seen it all. For example, Juggalos would pose in front of them smoking a joint for a photo, and they'd always say "don't make me bust you," which everyone seemed to know meant "nothing stronger than a joint for photos with the cops."
A few photos of Day 1 performances. There were multiple stages, and acts from noon to 4AM all four days.Who has more fun?
Day 2 - Thursday, 7/19
people started setting up in front of the main stage hours before the headliners came on each day
The frozen daiquiri and pina colada stand, open 24x7.
with Shaggy 2 Dope, Violent J, and Anybody Killa
ICP performed The Wraith Hell's Pit on Thursday
the crowd had amazing energy, most people knew every word
then from 2-4AM, things got even weirder: Juggalo Championship Wrestling!fighting with 8-foot flourescent tubes; don't do this at home, kids
Day 3 – Friday, 7/20
Friday night at the main stage
Day 4 – Saturday, 7/21
Sunrise on Saturday. The Gathering is a 24x7 event, don't expect to get much sleep there.
the tattoo contest"I Will Whoop For You" in the talent competition
Miss Juggalette contestAlice from Columbus shotgunning beers in the talent competition
a refreshing mid-afternoon shower
fireworks were strictly prohibited, but not everyone got the memoone of my favorite moments: after two nights of people shooting fireworks from the camping area into the mosh pit in front of the stage, the mosh pit fired back
Faygo Armageddon, looking backward and forward during a relatively calm moment (at other times, it was a struggle to stay upright and photos weren't really an option)
A final thrill from our first Gathering – the day after it was over, Insane Clown Posse used one of my photos to thank everyone for coming!